Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Camden at 3 weeks old... and Millie too

We retired Camden's newborn clothes this morning. He's officially outgrown them. He slept in a cute monkey suit he got from my Aunt Pam and Uncle Art last night. He's only worn it a couple of times so I figured we'll get one last use of it. Once we got him in it, it was too late to change him again... he couldn't even straighten his little legs, but he didn't seem to mind and he looked too cute in it. Sorry I didn't get a picture... but here are some others taken just a minute ago for your enjoyment. He sleeps so much its really hard to get a photo of him awake.

Camden has also been sleeping in his crib the last couple of nights. He grunts and groans so much during the night that neither Matt nor I were getting any good rest. Although I have to nurse him at least 3 times in the night, I'm happy to do it so at least one of us gets a good night's sleep. Cam's been a little iffy around 4 in the morning as he has a hard time going back to sleep. That's where Matt comes in. Since he's got to get up in an hour or so, he's been great at taking over. You see, Matt's got this awesome trick he does. I call it the "Dance and rock while holding baby" trick. Unable to be duplicated, it lulls Camden right back to Snoozeville every time.

And not to forget Millie, she's enjoying the luxury of spoons and forks these days. Although she hasn't graduated to bigger foods other than yogurt and applesauce and sometimes she digresses to her fingers (probably from watching Dad- Just Kidding).


Luis and Lauren said...

I have been waiting for an update! Omg Camben is so adorable. He looks just like Millie did just darker hair and skin. ;)I can't wait to hold him. Now for Millie... she is so pretty. She looks just like you sista! Can't wait to see all of you guys! lov ya!

The Gotbeters said...

They are both so sweet! Enjoy this sleepy time with him as I am sure he will wake up soon!!

Sylvia said...

Lucky you that Camden sleeps so much! Where does he get his dark hair and skin from?

Mia said...

Size 3 months are on the way this weekend. He can move from monkey to puppy sytle. He is growing so much and you two are doing a GREAT job.

Millie looks like she might have a pony tail, so cute, she is a doll and we miss her so much.