Thursday, October 8, 2009

5 weeks with Camden

Tomorrow Camden turns 5 weeks old. We will be on the road on our way to Tampa, FL for my sister's wedding next weekend and making a pit stop in Jacksonville for my cousin's wedding this weekend. So I figured I better get this update in before the craziness of the next 10 days ensues.

It was around this time that I discovered the Baby Bjorn magic for Millie. Well, for Camden, the magic happens in his car seat. He likes to sleep sitting up. We've wedged his crib and brought out the vibrating infant seat. I rotate car seat, crib, infant seat, and sometimes the boppy during his daytime naps. At night, he's strictly in the car seat. This boy is almost sleeping through the night! For the last 3 nights, he'll go to bed between 7 and 9pm, wake at 1:30am for a feeding and then again at 5:30am. Millie's been getting up a little earlier than usual- around 7am- but it's perfect because Cam won't wake again until 8am. That way, I get Millie set with a little b-fast and Blues Clues all before Cam's next feeding. It's a lovely cycle which I pray will continue or improve :).

Another interesting fact about Camden is that he enjoys his tummy time and often falls asleep there. Being the paranoid mama about SIDS, I move him on his back to sleep. I'm sure all you old-school mommies are reading this thinking my babies slept on their tummies and they're just fine, and even some moms I know do it now... I'm just too nervous to keep him that way.

And, maybe it's because this my second time, but I really feel like I know him better than I knew Millie at 5 weeks old. I remember when Millie was 4 weeks old- it was the breaking point for me. My dad and family were in town. Millie wouldn't stop crying and I couldn't figure out why. I even had to step outside to cry and breathe. Family, you remember. We took her to the dr and they prescribed some reflux meds which I refused to give her. Just changed my diet and eventually all was well. But, with Cam, it's different. I go through all the basic needs (hungry, gassy, sleepy, etc) and voila, he's all better. He even falls asleep easier. No bouncing, singing, crazy hold needed. As long as his needs are met, he's fast asleep. For example, a minute ago I took these pictures, I took a minute to upload them, and then I look back and there he his fast asleep. Such a sweetheart.

As for Millie and her crazy self, I'm uploading a video on youtube this afternoon of her spinning herself dizzy over and over again. She's quite the entertainer. Today she brought my Camden's pacifier. He was unhappy during a diaper change (pretty typical). Here's an attempt to get a sibling photo. We have yet to be successful at that. Millie is just won't sit still.
Speaking of sitting still, the biggest news about Millie this week is SHE WENT POOP IN THE POTTY! She'll tell us when she has to go "poopee" so one night last week, Matt sat her on the her potty chair and she went! I could hardly believe it. Looks like potty training will be in her near future. Maybe during the Christmas holiday when both Matt and I can tend to her. Right now, I just feel much too overwhelmed with two babies to do it on my own.

Ok enough talk... here are more photos from the last two weeks:

1 comment:

The Gotbeters said...

They are so sweet! 2 little ones is totally overwhelming, you're doing a great job, one day at a time, one foot infront of the other. The days are long but the years are short:)