Thursday, September 10, 2009

Camden's Birth Story

After an evening of season opening football games, I hit the sack around 11pm feeling just dandy. Lo and behold, at 2:30 the next morning on September 4, I awoke to a gush of fluid without the usual accompaniment of contractions. This was strange territory for me because all I had to pull from was my labor experience from Millie. With her I had contractions all day, followed by water breaking and then active labor. I didn't know what to do other then tell Matt and then try to go get some shut-eye. Well, the sleep attempt wasn't happening... my gut and my early morning googling told me that a birthday would be imminent. Shortly thereafter I called the hospital who urged me to head on over and then my brother who answered the phone without a hello saying "I'll be right over" (to stay with Millie who was sleeping soundly). Andrew took our last pregnant photo shot and, we loaded up the car, again... and again... and again. Poor Matt, took endless frantic trips back and forth before we eventually left the drive way with everything but the kitchen sink.

We arrived at the hospital, discovered I was 4 cm dilated and were admitted to the LAST available labor and delivery room by 6:30am. Superstition of the full moon that night inducing labors came true. The doctor administered some pitocin to move the labor along around 9am. I received a rundown from the anesthesiologist about an epidural which was a part of my birthing plan. She would wait until I requested the epidural and then head right in to give it to me.

Two hours later, I was in some major pain. My contractions had dilated me to 7 cm and the baby's head was "right there," said the doc. I asked for my epidural, but unfortunately, the only anesthesiologist was at work with a c-section patient. After getting that news, Matt and the nurse would probably concur that I responded somewhat inappropriately, blessing out everyone and everything. I might have seemed mad, but I was actually scared. Scared of birthing this baby au natural. My mom had done it (five times), Matt's mom and many moms before me, but I never imagined that would be me. I felt utterly helpless but totally in control all at the same time.

At 11:40 or so, I was directed to move from my sitting position which felt best and lie down on my right side. Only one more contraction followed before I HAD to push that baby OUT. Who knew that doctors had wings? I didn't even notice the five or six medical personnel who were suddenly in the room. One push later...

Camden Matthew Morris was born at 11:54 a.m. He weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces and measured 20 inches long. Camden entered the world with an extensive wail and a head full of dark hair.
He arrived 15 days early at the beginning of a long 4-day Labor Day weekend. We had been praying for a healthy baby boy, an early and quick delivery and a smooth transition for our new family of four. God blessed us big time and for that we give praises to Him.


Mia said...

The picture looks like Matt is in the hospital bed and that he just had Camden. So Funny. I love you all so much.

Leigh said...

And he looks tired after all that work!

Matt and Brooke said...

He's still recovering! I love these sleepy days.

The Fromilles said...

I am just getting around to reading this now, but what a good story! I am so impressed with your au natural birth! Note to self... ask for an epidural BEFORE I really need one so I don't get stuck in a similar situation one day!