Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Big Sister Millie is 18 months!

Millie turned 1 1/2 years old last Saturday! She truly shines as a big sister now. I don't know if it's me or what, but she has matured so much since her baby brother was born just a couple of weeks ago. She's not showing signs of jealousy or being clingy. She wants to say hi to Camden in the morning when she wakes up and in the evening when she's going to bed. She likes to blow him kisses, touch and point to all his features, and calls him "baby." Her transition to sisterhood has exceeded my expectations thus far.

She's reached some milestones too:
- she can use a fork and spoon but would rather play with them and eat with her fingers.
- she blows on her food whether its hot or not. If it "hot", she'll tell you.
- she loves to look at books
- anytime she sees a star (be it the flag, Macy's sign, you name it!) she'll start singing her rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" all while reaching her arms above her head and opening/shutting her hands like their twinkly stars.
- she now has 6 teeth on top and still only two on the bottom
- she makes animal noises like Moo and Ssss for the snake
- She can say Dora, backpack, Blue and notebook... might be indicative of the month we've had... she's watched way too much tv then I like but with all the events this month we've settled for the tv as entertainment.
- She can say "bubbles" and loves them outside.
- She's taken her diaper off a couple of times and tells us when she's poo-pooed. We brought out the potty seat this week and she stepped in it like it was a stool, then talked in it to hear her self echo... she's not quite ready for the big potty yet. thank goodness, 'cause I'm not either!

She weighs 21 lbs, 6 oz and is 33.19 inches long. Still lingers in the 10th percentile for weight. I have a feeling she'll be there a while.


Mia said...

Camden and Millie will be getting a package from Mia and Papa in the next few days. There is a dog and Christmas theme. So us.

The Gotbeters said...

Bless her heart! She is so sweet and so cute! My boys are small also. Westy 22 pounds at 22 months..