Monday, September 21, 2009

The first two weeks with Camden

Cam had his two-week check up today. He weighs 8lbs, 3 oz now and is still 20.3 inches long. He's in the 25th percentile all around. Everything went well at his appointment other than the nurse kept calling him a her. Oh well. He is eating like a champ and growing just perfectly. His next well baby visit will include 4 shots (ouch!) in 6 weeks.

Here are some other photos from this week:


The Gotbeters said...

Brooke he is just precious! Everybody looks great!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see Camden is not a bottle snob like his sister. He has grown so much. His skin looks olive colored in some of the pictures. He is just so handsome. Millie looks like a doll in all the pictures.