Friday, January 9, 2009

All I want since Christmas is...

a good night's rest! I thought that our Disney trip and Millie's sudden wakening in the night were related. Maybe there was some relation but the real culprit are what my dentist calls all four incisors. Unfortunately, only yesterday did I notice that she is TEETHING. We can see the top two and bottom two making way through her gum. Poor thing! I've been so neglectful... I mean, when was Disney? Almost a month ago?! And to think she's been in pain all through the night all this time! Oh the horror! I'm hoping they'll make an appearance this weekend. Matt brought his dental camera home so we can get some good pics of those pearly whites.


Maureen said...

I know I was there for this conversation today...but it's kind of ironic that you're married to a dentist and never thought she was teething until yesterday. :) Every time Cooper is super fussy I'm running my fingers around his gums to see if he's teething. So far, nothing!
What is a dental camera anyways?

Leigh said...

Ain't nothing like a little momma guilt, is there? :)