Monday, April 20, 2009

Our fun-filled Spring Break!

Matt had a whole week off of work, and we took advantage of it! We visited with Mia and Granddaddy Morris for three days in Columbia. We went to the Children's Museum and the Farmers Market there. The museum was wonderful! Millie especially enjoyed the mini-mart and talked to and about all the groceries she put in her cart. I posted a video on you tube. Check it out here. There are lots of other fun exhibits for kids of all ages and a special section for children under 3 which we did not find until the very end but still was totally worth it.

The next day at the farmers market, Mia and I strolled Millie around to look at the fruits, veggies and plants. Millie didn't seem quite herself and we quickly realized why... on the way home she threw up all over herself while enjoying a snack of goldfish. Fortunately, we pulled over next to a church. We stripped Millie down, and Mia walked her (half-naked, mind you) while I rationed the one leftover wipe to clean up the puke from all over her car seat. Poor thing. That was the last of the vomit, thankfully, although Millie did sleep very well from then on out especially in the car ride back to Fayetteville the next day.

For the rest of the week, Milllie's Yaya, Papa and Uncle Chris (my family) drove up to see us and to deliver Millie's awesome super-spectacular birthday gift. We have desperately needed a storage type organizational unit for all of Millie's toys. I could not find what I wanted in any store, catalog, or even online, so Jim (Papa) with Yaya's decorating advice created this snazzy cubbie bookshelf together for Millie. It has 9 bins in all and lots of space. Right now its in our living room but in a few months we plan to move it into Millie's room so she can start playing with her toys in there. Fun!

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Love the storage thing!