Saturday, April 25, 2009

First Swimming Pool

This afternoon I had a whim. Millie and I were coming back from Lunch with friends and cousins at their new house and headed straight to the PX (the post's mall). It's warm and sunny out so I thought there's no better way to enjoy the weather than to sit in the pool. Since the neighborhood pool won't be open for another month or so, I picked up a little plastic kiddie pool. Here are pics of Millie enjoying the exterior of the pool. She explored all around it, threw some of her rubber duckies, hat, shoe, and cup into it but would not actually get IN it. She did, however, test it out by balancing a foot and a hand in the water just enough to confirm her decision not to get in. We were out there for a whole hour under the carport away for the direct sunlight. It totally wore her out and was the perfect prequel to a long nap afterward.


Maureen said...

So cute! And a great idea. Cooper and I might come sit in it tomorrow afternoon. Our dang A/C went out again today. It's flipping hot!

Auntie Lauren said...

aww looks like lots of fun! Wish I was there!

hugs and kisses

Mia said...

I am bringing by swimsuit and wings and jump right in. It is going to be great.
