Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Peanut Butter and Cheerios

So this morning as I write we're sitting down eating our normal oatmeal for breakfast. For added calories, I've seasoned Millie's oatmeal with peanut butter. Usually she eats it with fruit and brown sugar because we share. Apparently she doesn't like peanut butter in her oatmeal so we've now resorted to multigrain cheerios to start our morning. She's shoveling those in with fistfuls! Every minute or so she'll run out and I ask if she wants more. Oh man, she has got me laughing so hard because on top of nodding her head yes, she's yelling " yeayeayeayeayeayea." Just another hilarious moment.


Maureen said...

Oatmeal and pb doesn't sound so great to me either...

Leigh said...

My kids love PB in oatmeal!!!