Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ben turns 4 months old!

I'm 4 months old today!

Ben turns 4 months old today! Since our last post, a lot has changed. He moved into his room about a month ago, I think. Matt and I are sleeping in the guest room next door so I can access him easily in the night. He typically sleeps from about 8pm to 4 or 5am.  Then I nurse him and he goes right back to bed until about 8:30am. It's the perfect schedule for me because it gives me time to get the other kids ready for school, nurse him then out the door, in the car and to school we go.

He still proves to be a very easy going baby. No witching hour in the evening like with Millie and Cam. He adapts pretty much anywhere I lay him down. He really likes tummy time probably due to all the attention he gets on the floor from his siblings. He has rolled over from tummy to back a handful of times. His torso is stronger. As of last week, he can jump in the jumperoo, sit in the bumbo, and swing in the playground swing for a good amount of time.

His is such a drooler and loves chewing on his fist and fingers. I wonder if he'll get teeth sooner than 12 months old like the other two children. As of yesterday he has been tugging at his ear. We suspect it might be his first ear infection. I'm taking him to the doctor on Monday to get it checked out. I'll get his growth stats then too. In the meantime, we treated his ear with droplets of a mix of vinegar and alcohol before bed. It seems to work fine because he seems to feel fine afterward and sleeps well too.

Some of his favorite things are mirrors, tickles, eye contact, rattles and squeaky toys. Here are some photos I took tonight at bath:

1 comment:

The Gotbeters said...

Breastmilk in the ear also! Hope he feels better!