Friday, January 11, 2013

Ben turns 6 months old!

On Thursday, January 10, our baby turned a big six months old. Even though we are still on the fence about him being our last child, I am relishing every single moment! Ben still maintains his easy going, happy, sweet baby status. The other children still adore every waking second with him.
Because of his wonderful demeanor we haven't pushed an on-time schedule, although there is routine.
He is thriving and developing right on track. We've got his well-baby appointment on January 29 where he will receive more vaccinations.
He's wearing 9 month to 12 month clothing. Napping without crying and finally this week, we have seen a positive trend to sleeping through the night 10 hours (8 pm- 6 am).
We love our little guy as a family unit. If that makes any sense. Millie and Camden instinctively discovered their inner responsibilities for taking care of Ben. Everyone protects the baby. It's so hard to explain because I'd never experienced it before. Millie and cam aren't babies anymore. They are interactive humans with opinions, ideas, and identity in our family. I am loving being a Morris and raising more Morrises. Corny, I know, but true.

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