Sunday, July 11, 2010

The new house

Evans, GA is so fantastic. The mall is 20 minutes away, Target is 10 and the grocery store is right on the corner! You just can't beat it! Grant it, Matt's drive to Ft. Gordon is about 30 minutes long but I think he can use that drive time to unwind on the way home. All the boxes are unpacked and furniture is in place, but there's still some painting I want to do and pictures to hang. So for now, you get to see the outside and a little of my awesome kitchen.

This weekend Millie and I made cupcakes! She was so funny at the store and wouldn't let go of the cupcake mix box. The Publix manager didn't want Millie to get upset about giving up her box for a simple swipe at the cash register, so he proceeded to read off the barcode numbers to the cashier. I was floored! What customer service they have! That would never happen at Walmart :)

I broke down and bought a new double stroller to tote our almost equally-weighted kids around. The baby bjorn still works for toting Cam and we like the wagon too, but its nice to have an alternative, especially for long hilly walks.

This week is booked with friends and shopping. Two of my favorite things.


Maureen said...

They are both getting so big!!

Rainey's said...

The hats are Hysterical! :)