Thursday, July 8, 2010

The fourth and Cam turns 10 months old!

Happy Independence Day! Camden turned 10 months old, we got a new house and celebrated independence day all in the same weekend!

Here are some photos from the day. As you can see, Camden's hair is getting so light. Matt says people pay to have his hair color. We're still waiting on first teeth and first crawl. This little guy just wants to be held by his momma all the time which is probably why he doesn't feel the need to go anywhere else.

Millie is becoming independent for sure! She is now almost 28 months old. These days she enjoys opening doors, hiding, peeling/eating stickers, and making herself at home in our food pantry by delving into the peanut butter or cereals. Needless to say, she's our little HAZARD. I have to keep a close eye on her. We have Millie-proofed our entire new house with much scrutiny.

I promise I will post pics soon of the house. For now, we have to get Matt off to training for the summer and back to some normalcy, if that's even possible, before I can even think about taking pictures. I do love our new house and neighborhood and I've already met a friend!

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