Friday, October 23, 2009

Can you believe Camden's 7 weeks old today? I can't!

Lots of epiphany moments have occurred lately.
1. Camden is an eater! I feel like a walking milk cow. He's eating every 2 hours during the day and will go a 5-hour stretch at night. I've decided that I don't think he's getting a full feeding each time for one reason or another. My biggest clue was that he's not content after he eats and he won't latch anymore. He's been taking a bottle from everyone else, so this morning after I nursed him, I gave him a couple more ounces of breastmilk in a bottle, and he was happy as a clam. While I'm figuring him out, I'm going to try to pump every 2 hours to keep my supply up. I'll use the bottle with daytime feedings and nurse him through the night starting today. (This may be to much information, but this is MY journal :). For those moms who have done this, tips/advice are welcome! I'm excited about this plan selfishly because Cam's not the cleanest eater and I'm excited about smelling like my old self again and not sour milk :).

2. Camden is a tummy sleeper. I feel like I'm breaking every rule I set for Millie with this little one. I have no worries about him on his tummy. We've got the video monitor on him while he sleeps and he is constantly moving his head from one side to the other so I know he's got that skill. He's seems to be more jumpy on his back and startles himself awake too often.

3. Millie's got a box fan on full blast in her room. This blocks out any and all noises from the outside. The fan will remain in her room until Camden is in a good sleep pattern and wakes up happy. Right now, he screams "I'm hungry!!!!!!" at first peep, and I'm not all about having two unhappy babies awake simultaneously. Some have told me that Millie would sleep through his cries but at times, that's not the case.

4. Camden doesn't sleep during walks in the stroller. This may change. With Millie, it was almost guarenteed she'd get some snooze time in while strolling through the neighborhood but Camden would rather see the world instead of the back of his eyelids.

5. I can do this. 'Nuf said.


FranklinandAmber said...

I leave Addison's fan on when she is sleeping too, it keeps little noises from waking up my soft sleeper. I don't know how you do it, one toddler is exhausting!

Mia said...

I just love this new blog. Millie's dressing up is so Katie, she did that until she was 7. I just love them both so much. Camden's eyes have really opened up, looks like he has gained a lot of weight. Matt did the same thing about eating but I started giving him cereal too early which caused allergies, your plan is a lot better. I am getting my H1N1 on Monday so I am good to go for Halloween. Love you a bunch.