Sunday, August 24, 2008

Weekend Wow in Columbia

I'm writing this post while sitting in amazement as Matt and I watch the Olympics' closing ceremony. It's incredible!

Almost as incredible as our relaxing weekend in Columbia at Mia and Granddaddy's house. We've discovered that Millie likes the water. She spent over 1.5 hours in the pool this afternoon.

I'm realizing the Millie has become really attached to me. Go figure! We spend all friggin' day together every single day. I'm her best friend, her livelihood, her pacifier, et al. In one sense it is rather self-gratifying but in another, she's got to lighten up and socialize. And, then of course, the fact that she's only 5 months old makes it really hard to tell if this is a phase or the beginning of a long road ahead. I just hate for her to cry everytime I'm not or Matt's not holding her. Hmm, maybe I need to lighten up and stop worrying about it. (Ignore my rant, please.)

Anywho, after 24 hours at Mia and Granddaddy's house she really got comfortable. Millie sat on her Granddaddy's tummy and pulled on his leg hair for quite a while which we all thought was hilarious! She took a special liking to Jack, the dog, too. She was happy go lucky and gave smiles all around.
Before we returned home, we visited with our friends, Crystal and Jason and their 3 children. Ellie their oldest, in the picture, had Millie full-on laughing as Ellie danced all around her. She got to meet her new friend, Sadie, who's just 2 months younger than Millie. Before we know it, they'll all be playing dolls together.


Auntie Lauren said...

Thats my kind of girl in the pool! She is getting so big and so beautiful. Only 4 and half days until I see her! I can't wait...

Unknown said...

She's so cute in her floatie and hat!!

And I know what you mean about the attachement to mommy thing...isabel is not a happy camper unless she's with me. Daddy is a close second, and of course Alana. Everyone else, she could care less!

The Fromilles said...

I love the first picture... so adorable! That is my kind of girl... a little water baby!