Saturday, September 8, 2012

Happy 3rd birthday, Camden!

Over the weekend family and friends joined us to celebrate Camden turning three. The Thomas the train themed party planning sounded low key but was a lot of work in the grand scheme. Matt and PaPa ran train tracks made of painters tape throughout our house up and down our stairs. They took such great care and detail in it. Then YaYa and I decorated the rest of the house with streamers and Thomas banners and backdrops. Crossroads sign reading "birthday crossing." cool indeed.

There were over thirty people at he party. We served pizza, chips, cake, ice cream and drinks. I didn't want to make it complicated since I've got a newborn in my arms. Thankfully, my mom took care of Ben while we partied like a three year old.

After the party and the clean up was my favorite part,we traveled for the first time in 3 years down to my Uncle Art and Aunt Pam's place, Naas Farm, about four hours from Evans. We packed up what seemed like all of Camden's new toys and headed south. The kids were perfect car riders.

Upon our arrival, we ate a bunch and the kids fell asleep watching Peter Pan and Toy Story. Bliss for Cam. The next day was Sunday and we rested poolside. Both kids took several trips down the water slide. Millie started to love it while Cam remained resistant. By Monday morning Millie was swimming under water! I could not believe my eyes. So proud. We even managed to squeeze in a family photo shoot.

Monday night when we got home from Naas Farm, we gave Cam his gift from us... Thomas's Trackmaster train track...4 different tracks! It was a long night of fun! Now our playroom is covered in train tracks. I think purging may be in order soon.

Cam's actual birthday came on Tuesday. Cam brought donut holes to share with his class at school, and later Grandpa D'Amico celebrated with us at Red Robin for dinner.

During this last year, our big boy Camden went from hardly saying words to non-stop chatter, from constant diaper changes to clean and dry, day and night, from pushing his trike to riding a bike, and now he has favorites like trains, toy story movies, and cheeseburgers. He's 39" tall and about 33 lbs.

1 comment:

Brenda Simpler said...

Looks like a great party! You all are awesome parents. And you make pretty good looking kids! Take care.