Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Giving Thanks!

God is good. He has given us family and friends with whom to share our holidays. I am so thankful for my little family. We took it easy this Thanksgiving. Spending Wednesday evening at Mellow Mushroom and chowing down our scrumptious pizza. Then Thanksgiving day in Columbia with the Morris family for an enjoyable dinner of fried turkey and all the fixin's.A couple of the highlights of the day were Millie and her Aunt Meg diligently and patiently building the gingerbread house (Millie could not stop talking about it all week) and watching the kids play in the abundance of leaves in the front yard. They had a blast! I love all the giggles!


Auntie Katie said...

I love all of the pics! It looks like you guys had sooo much fun!

Leigh said...

I love how Camden is clinging to your leg in last picture. :)