Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Camden's Two Month Doctor Visit

The doctor gave us this sheet that talks about feeding our baby. It reads, "Breast fed babies continue to nurse every 3-4 hours." HA! Yeah- no that's not the case for our growing baby. He eats every other hour during the day. Awake for an hour and asleep for an hour, like clock work. On Saturday, though, he took a 3 hour nap! That has never happened before. Other than that one time, he's pretty predictable. His last nap usually ends around 4:30pm. We keep him awake until his 7pm bedtime. The routine has really paid off. Camden is sleeping up to 8.5 hours straight (7pm-3:30am). After a feeding he goes right back to sleep until usually 7am. This 10th week has been bliss.

Camden is smiling and cooing every chance he gets as long as he's being held. Put him down and he is not a happy baby. Put him in the swing, though, and he'll fall asleep. He's getting the hang of the Bjorn carrier although he hasn't slept in it. Instead he likes to look at all the fun stuff going on around him.

As for Camden's 2 month stats:
Weight: 12lbs, 15 oz. (75th %)
Length: 24.29" (90%)
Head: 15.75" round (not square, haha)

He's growing big, and I'm one proud mama!


The Gotbeters said...

You are a wonderful mom! Stick to your gut when it comes to feeding your little one- They are both precious and growing so fast!! Your comment on our kitchen, thank you, prompted me to do a blog on the whole process, check it out!

Luis and Lauren said...

I am one happy aunt. He has changed so much since the wedding. What a cutie pie!

Hugs and Kisses to all!