Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bye, Bye Fly!

Summertime in Bragg comes with one big pesky fly problem. I've never seen anything like it before I came here. They love to be all in my house and everyone else's for that matter. I'm the worst at killing them with the fly swatter. My aim is horrible! Yesterday Millie and I went around the house with our matching swatters trying to "shoe" those flies away. There was one lingering in Millie's room for days, and I was determined to get it! While I'm saying "shoe fly," Millie's saying "bye, bye!" At that very instant I turned around to watch her and bam, she hit the fly with the swatter. Quite an aim! High-five, Millie!


Mia said...

That's our girl. She takes after her Papa having a great eye.

Luis and Lauren said...

haha!! love it!

The Gotbeters said...

That is great! We have some crazy flies here also:) the boys always want to play with my swatter and I won't let them bc its so gross:( I need to get one for them also:)

Joscelyn, Bobby, Reagan, and Seth said...

The mosquitos are equally as bad in our house!