Friday, December 6, 2013

'Tis the season

I've been laughing at myself a lot these days. If you can't laugh at yourself, then who can you laugh at, right? I laugh because I find the things I do quite humorous, mostly when no one's watching. This is a season, I tell myself.

 A season of picking up toys or dirty laundry WITH MY TOES because my hands are full of kids or more toys. A season of severe self control. I refrain from licking the spoon of raw brownies because "it has raw eggs in it" and I want to set a good example. A season of sharing my coveted jacuzzi tub for bathtimes and enduring back pain from reaching way too far to clean a kid's back and not to mention all the random bath toys surrounding MY bathtub. A season of eating candy in a closet so I don't have to "go there" with the kids, or hiding from the kids just so I can make a private call to a utility company. God forbid the person on the other end know that my kids communicate at a high volume level, and I ask them to repeat themselves, over and over again. A season of Dora's soundtrack running constantly in my head. A season of total drain after 8:30 when I can hardly remember to do the dishes still sitting in or near the kitchen sink from dinner. And there's more...

A season of staying home while I raise some great kids. A season of saying no over and over again, so eventually I can say yes. A season of being wanted by three miracles of life. They only want my attention, my time and my touch. A season of holding hands and children and guiding them where they should go. 

So in this season, although very humorous to me, I realize it is fleeting. So in any season I will try to remember the blessing in it all. Because that's what it all is... A blessing from the good Lord. 

1 comment:

Katie said...

I love the honesty and humor of this post.