Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Day of MMO

Boy oh boy, these kids are growing up fast. I hate that it has taken me this long to get back into blogging. I hope to continue especially since the fall will include lots of fun activities like the Mom's Morning Out program for Camden and a 3K program for Millie, Cam's birthday, a wedding, and the holiday celebrations. Both the children did great with the drop off this morning. I celebrated my solo time by getting a pedicure with a new friend and then a trip to the dentist for a filling. While at the dentist, I received a phone call from the MMO program saying that Camden had been crying off and on. I didn't need to come and get him because he was settling down but they just wanted to let me know. I really appreciated the update especially since this was his first day. Millie got to be picked up in the carpool line. She loved that. Apparently she enjoyed herself. She said "it was good," and she "shared a puzzle with a boy and a girl."

Camden will attend on Tuesdays and Thursdays while Millie will be there 3x a week, Tuesday through Thursday.

1 comment:

The Gotbeters said...

I'm so glad they called you! A sign of a good program!