Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Camden's First Haircut


I had to do it! The power was out! I couldn't get dinner started, I couldn't do laundry and Camden woke up early from his nap. His poor bangs were growing so long. It's not like I could put them back in a hair bow without long term trauma to his masculinity. So, again, I had to do it! I must admit, I come with credentials in "hairstyling." I cut Matt's hair successfully every month. Keeping Camden still was quite a challenge. Enjoy the Before and After photos.



Luis and Lauren said...

O MY GOODNESS!!! how cute! love it.

Maureen said...

Doesn't it instantly age them!? SO much fun though...

The Gotbeters said...

Sweet boy! You did a great job! The boy's hair can be so challenging, not so forgiving if they move, which they do a lot!

Unknown said...

Looking good!!!!!!!!!