Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Big Girl Bed

A while back I wrote about us potty training Millie. The plan was to start at Christmas, but with everything that comes with the holidays, it really wasn't a good time. After talking with lots of other moms, I realized it was probably a good idea to get her out of the crib bed first before we start the training (which will begin this Saturday). So last Saturday morning, Matt converted Millie's crib into a toddler bed with the railing on the side. She has gone straight to naps and bedtimes with enthusiasm ever since! She loves her "big girl bed." In the mornings when she wakes up, she knocks on her door from inside her room and patiently waits for me to open the door. When I open the door, she'll usually run back into bed. She's just so cute, sometimes I join her. And then I get up very carefully because I don't think that bed is meant to hold all that weight.


Maureen said...

Cooper doesn't set foot out of his big boy bed. :) We have to remove him (at protest)in the mornings for a diaper change.

Sadly we can't start potty training until after the deployment starts (too much change for Cman coming up) even though he's ready.

FranklinandAmber said...

I used a toddler bed this weekend in Charleston and she fell out non-stop, usually landing on her head. I don't know how she got past the rails but she did. I am glad that Millie is much better at staying on the bed!

Mia said...

Oh my, Millie looks beautiful in this pictures. Her eyes look amazing. This is a great time for her and a growing milestone. Just love this little pumpkin so much.