Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wave to the camera, Millie!

Millie said hello to the high chair this week. I figured since she's going to be spending a lot of time in it in the imminent future, then she might as well get used to it. As you can tell, she likes it. Well, she pretty much likes anything with easy access to her toys.

She's becoming real cozy with Bella too. The two of them like to nap together. Bella wants to be anywhere she is. Bella follows us around everywhere!

Millie really likes to sit in her boppy pillow. She's got these socks she wears that have a cow and a sheep at the tips of them. She'll grab at those and drool the whole time. Then she'll lean over and chill out for a little bit. We have to keep the tv off because she'll lounge back and watch it.

We love her. When she's sleeping at night, Matt and I stare at the pictures we've taken of her. We just can't get enough of our little girl.


Leigh said...

She looks so tiny in that high chair! Love the baby and dog picture. :)

Auntie Lauren said...

OMG..i just can not wait to come up there and play with her....what a little cutie! I can not believe how big she is but in the high chair she looks like so


Auntie Lauren said...

o and by the way love the bedroom color!

The Fromilles said...

I love her and Bella sacked out together! Our Bella has some serious baby love too... we had friends with their 5mo old over last night and Bella just wanted to get as close to Natalia as possible... so cute!