Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Week 29- 82 days to go (give or take) but who's really counting

The holidays are over, 2008 has arrived, and we've started preparing for Little Millie to be here. This weekend my mom and family came to visit. My mom and I shopped for the remaining furniture and accessories for the nursery. Matt and Jim painted the room and put up the chair railing. It looks so great! All we need now is a few more wall decor and the furniture! It should all be completed in the next 8 weeks.

As for Amelia, she is growing .5 lb a week between now and her birthday. My belly is as big as a basketball and growing by the day. Her kicks are just about every minute.

Matt and I have a lot of decisions to make before she gets here. Like picking a pediatrician, our career choice, selling the house, passing the licensure exam in Feb/Mar and the big one,... what will Amelia's middle name be? I pray and know it will all work out.

Enjoy the latest and greatest of my big fat belly shot at week 29.

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