Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Millie turns 16 months old!

This month has been full of fun events and experiences. We've taken trips to James Island, Myrtle Beach, Columbia and Charleston. We've celebrated her cousin Andie's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's and stayed out late on the fourth of July and Aunt Katie and Uncle Kevin's wedding. Millie's hair has grown and size 18 month clothes are actually fitting now. She's different in many more ways this month:
- She's feeding herself with utensils when we put the food on the fork or spoon.
- She can wear pigtails and bows can last up to an hour if she doesn't see herself in a mirror first.
- She's got some funky dance moves including stomping and head bopping.
- She's got an obvious singing voice- big contrast from her regular talking voice, and sings in her own words quite often.
- "No, no, no" is her favorite phrase and a sign of her alter ego. For example, Millie knows she's not supposed to get into Bella's dog bowl. On times when I find her with a handful of Bella's food, she'll simultaneously shake her head and say "no, no, no." Her mind says no but her body does the opposite. It's hard to keep a straight face to discipline, but directly to time out she goes.
- Speaking of time out, we use her crib to remove her from the mess she's made and to give us some time to clean up. We are using the timer to indicate when her "time out" period is over, usually after 5 minutes. Millie is over the crying stage of being put in time out... she'll just talk to herself until we come to get her and explain in one-year-old terms what she's done wrong and what we expect next time. Hopefully consistency will pay off in this arena.
- She's substituting the word "yes," with a big teethy smile.
- Because she's climbing on everything she's also more effective at getting down from the couch and stairs. We're looking into purchasing an outdoor climber/slide before baby boy get's here.
- She's understanding and working on the "sit and push with her legs" concept on the her fire engine and lion.
- Mommy's little helper likes to clean up however tends to get more distracted to play with each toy she picks up so it takes a little longer, and the Lord is working on my patience in this category.
- Her newest word is "Mommy, Mommy," which I adore!
- She's stacking cups and playing with legos now.
- If we ask her to point to something, she will, or she'll grab our hands and show us what she wants.
- She drinks all her milk now.
- New favorite veggie is Avocado... is that a veggie or a fruit? I don't know.
- Her favorite show is Blues Clues which also accompanies us on long trips in our minivan!
- In the last week, she'll hold up her finger when you ask her how old she is.
- She's clucking with her tongue and makes fish kisses with her lips.

This may very well be the last full month with just Millie since the baby is due on September 19 (we're hoping he arrives early). Our schedule is open so we should be spending lots of time outside, in the pool and out with friends. Fun!


Luis and Lauren said...

I love the "no no no".. and how she is showing how old she in on her fingers. I miss her! Can't wait for little man to get here too. love u guys!

Mia said...

How cute was she this weekend. Everyone I talk to comment on Millie's dance moves and how she kept up with everyone on the dance floor. In this picture she really looks like you Brooke...so beautiful. What a great weekend.

Meg Maddox said...

Avocado is my favorite fruit too! Quick and easy way to biologically define a fruit...fruits come from flowers. So if it comes from a tree and/or has a seed, it's probably a fruit. But on the other hand a veggie is just an edible part of a plant so it's sorta one of those "A square is always a rectangle, but a rectangle isn't always a square." kinda deals. Ok I'm done geeking out. Love you!