Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Farewell Charleston

These are our final days in Chucktown. We will be moving tomorrow and Friday to Ft. Bragg, NC. It's a bittersweet feeling to know that we are transitioning into a new phase in our lives but feel reluctant to say goodbye to all of our friends we've made here in Charleston. So here it goes, good bye Seacoast and friends, the Surratt's, Overcash's, Helle's, Batson's, Small Group, Ramsey's, Neighbors, Randstad crew, Sims', Meg and Leo, and the other incredible folks who have impacted our lives forever. We have learned so much in these last 6 years. We will never forget you and the awesome, fun experiences, and hope to visit as often as possible. I pray we will find friends like you in Ft. Bragg and wherever life takes us in the future. 

Luckily we were able to spend an evening out with some of our original small group- Josh, Lisa (plus Miles) and Kristen, Michael (plus Seven). We love you guys!


Surratt Family said...

We had so much fun with you guys on Monday! We are going to miss you guys a lot. Miles says he is plotting to marry Millie just to get you guys back in Charleston...and because she's a cutie!

batsonfamily said...

good luck guys, you are going to be missed. we are currently in ohio with jan's family. jan and I will never forget the times with got to experience with you guys. maybe we can hook up sometime.

The Fromilles said...

We definitely know the feeling... Charleston, Seacoast and small group are hard things to drive away from! But I know you have great things coming up on the horizon:)

Sooo glad we got to see y'all last week... if only for a couple of hours.